Attention All SEA and SLC Members
Local 505 needs Shop Stewards in SEA and SLC. These positions will be filled by appointment and will serve until the next Local wide Shop Steward election in spring of 2026.
To be eligible to be Shop Steward, you must be a Member in "good standing" (current on Union Dues) and have one (1) year seniority in the location.
SFO Ramp Bid Timeline:
February 17, 2025: Selections and Rosters Posted
February 24, 2025: Live Bid
March 10, 2025: Bid Starts
All bidding will be in Bidding Hub:
You may go into Jetnet now and set your bid preferences.......or bid live on bid day. If you are late on live bid, you will be able to bid in-between the next two bidders.